Buyer Protection

Safe online shopping
Are you using cash on delivery for online purchases? Now you can use your card, knowing that you have a 100% money back guarantee if you don’t received your shipment. buyer protection is FREE stop paying extra 2-3 eur for each order that you did with Cash on Delivery.

How to use


Make your purchase

Buyer pays Mypay and Mypay verifies the necessary documents before releasing payment to the seller.


Dispute your purchase

In case of non-delivery of the order to the buyer or the order doesnt match the description, the customer drops an email to Mypay with the transaction ID and a description.


Dispute resolution and refund

Mypay reviews the evidence submitted by the buyer and seller to mediate a resolution

How to buy

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Mypay Buyer Protection Does not apply for

*If during the course of Mypay’s investigation we find enough evidence of fraudulent activities by the seller, we will exercise legal options and take necessary steps under the law.